The courses on the following topics are present in our application:- Accounting plan presentation and analysis- Accounting organization: Le Journal- Accounting organization: Ledger and Balance- Classic accounting recording system- The operations- Concept of flow in accounting- The summary state report- Assessment: presentation and analysis- Account income and expenses- Purchases: recording and accounting treatment- Accounting classification of fixed assets- Value added tax Moroccan accounting plan- Sales: Presentation and accounting record- Commercial paper: Collection Endorsement Discount and Renewal- Invoice processing (invoice "must" and "have") French accounting plan- Invoice processing (invoice "must" and "have") Moroccan accounting plan- Packaging: standard definition and accounting record- Depreciation: Definition and Accounting treatment- Accounting treatment and monitoring of customer accounts- Provisions: introduction and definition- Provision of non-depreciable fixed assets (land, goodwill, securities)- Provisions for risks and chargesMoroccan accounting planfree accounting exercisesbusiness managementالمحاسبةتمارين دروسالاقتصاددروس مجانيةتطبيق جديددروس 20202020 chart of accountspdf